IQF Frozen Cherry Tomatoes
In the world tomato production as of 2017, China ranks first with a production of 59.6 million tons, India ranks second with 20.7 million tons, Turkey ranks third with 12.75 million tons, and the USA ranks fourth with a production of 12.6 million tons. Being the leader in the world, China meets 32% of the total world tomato production.
IQF Frozen Broccoli
Broccoli cultivation in our country is mainly done in the Mediterranean and Aegean Regions. İzmir ranks first in broccoli production with 13,124 tons. Antalya and Mersin stand out as other important producer provinces in broccoli production.
IQF Frozen Leeks
Leeks collected from the most fertile fields are frozen at the factory as soon as possible after being harvested. The handle can be easily used in homes and businesses without the hassle of shell waste.
IQF Frozen Sweet Korn Kernel
Corn collected from the most productive fields is frozen at the factory as soon as possible after harvest. It can be used easily in homes and businesses without the hassle of straw, bark waste and sorting.